Here's the remainder of the things I learned on my August vacation. Hope everyone got to take vacation this year. It is soooooo important to overall life and career happiness. And the holidays are just around the corner.
11.) Thanks to many forwarded emails and Facebook & Twitter updates, moderate drinking can prolong your life according to recent studies. As a health coach, I'm not sure this is the best info to have circulating. As someone who enjoys wine, a cold corona with lime on a hot summer day and the occasional margarita (ok-maybe not so occasional), I say "Rock on!"
12.) It doesn't matter how old I am, I still miss my parents when I'm away.
13.) When you get lazy and forget to put sunblock on (or get cocky when you think you already have a base tan going) and then you fall asleep on the beach, you WILL get sunburnt. Aloe does really help though.
14.) One of the best feelings in the world is falling asleep on the beach in the arms of your special someone-even if you end up getting sunburnt.
15.) The difference between relaxation and boredom is that when you're relaxed you're grateful for and enjoy the fact that you don't have anything to do--when you're bored, you feel the compulsion for and loss of something to do.
16.) Even when things don't go your way or as you planned, there really is always something to learn from or be grateful for. (Although, swallowing your own pill can be somewhat painful.)
17.) Resistance, in it's many prolific forms, is fertile.
18.) Laughter is one of the best abdominal workouts on the market--and, it's free.
19.) Bargain shopping can be fun and is actually an art form.
20.) When you get stung by a bee, honey is one of the best cures (apparently motorcyclists keep honey on their bikes with them at all times). And, bees can swim. Who knew?
Sharing ideas, best practices, cautionary tales and the occasional funny story about how to be happy while you Live, Work, Eat, Play.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's been awhile since my last blog post but sometimes when you live, work, eat, play (especially the "work") part, you can't always find time for blogging. Over the course of two posts, I'm sharing the Top 20 Things I Learned on Vacation. Here's the first ten.
1.) Doing a few minutes of work each day of vacation is better than doing a full day of work each day.
2.) Pizza on the grill is actually quite tasty (albeit a lot of work if you're feeding a bunch of people and need to make multiple pizzas). A true exercise in logistics and coordination.
3.) No matter how many times you tell people how long you will be away for and when you'll be back, they will forget and still ask you multiple times.
4.) If you haven't been running in awhile (or run more than 3 miles the last few times you have been running) and you go out on a 5 mile run, you will be exceedingly sore the next day and get reacquainted with muscles you didn't remember you had.
5.) Reading nutrition books on vacation can help keep you focused on eating healthfully.
6.) It takes more than reading books on nutrition to help keep you focused on eating healthfully while on vacation. You still need some good old fashioned discipline. They should really bottle that stuff in travel sized containers.
7.) It's ok to take a short break from otherwise healthy eating habits as long as it's not a permanent break-which can be the dangers of a two week vacation.
8.) Two and a half year olds are actually smarter than 38year olds-even ones with fancy schmancy psych degrees and certifications in behavioral motivation. And--it doesn't really matter anyway because they're so bleeping cute, they will win either way.
9.) In addition to regular paprika, there is a souped up version of it called smoked paprika that makes a kick ass rub for shrimp and sausage skewers (thanks Epi app).
10.) Even though the Expendables was a highly entertaining movie with amazing fight sequences (albeit slightly unrealistic that none of them sustained major injuries while taking on entire armies with full ammunition), it provides a painful reminder that there is a shocking lack of female "bad ass" roles out there. Is there not even one women in Hollywood who's Expendable worthy? As a woman, a martial artist and an HR professional, I find this a glaring oversight-particularly in 2010.
Stay tuned for the second ten next post. In the meantime, have fun as you live, work, eat, play.
1.) Doing a few minutes of work each day of vacation is better than doing a full day of work each day.
2.) Pizza on the grill is actually quite tasty (albeit a lot of work if you're feeding a bunch of people and need to make multiple pizzas). A true exercise in logistics and coordination.
3.) No matter how many times you tell people how long you will be away for and when you'll be back, they will forget and still ask you multiple times.
4.) If you haven't been running in awhile (or run more than 3 miles the last few times you have been running) and you go out on a 5 mile run, you will be exceedingly sore the next day and get reacquainted with muscles you didn't remember you had.
5.) Reading nutrition books on vacation can help keep you focused on eating healthfully.
6.) It takes more than reading books on nutrition to help keep you focused on eating healthfully while on vacation. You still need some good old fashioned discipline. They should really bottle that stuff in travel sized containers.
7.) It's ok to take a short break from otherwise healthy eating habits as long as it's not a permanent break-which can be the dangers of a two week vacation.
8.) Two and a half year olds are actually smarter than 38year olds-even ones with fancy schmancy psych degrees and certifications in behavioral motivation. And--it doesn't really matter anyway because they're so bleeping cute, they will win either way.
9.) In addition to regular paprika, there is a souped up version of it called smoked paprika that makes a kick ass rub for shrimp and sausage skewers (thanks Epi app).
10.) Even though the Expendables was a highly entertaining movie with amazing fight sequences (albeit slightly unrealistic that none of them sustained major injuries while taking on entire armies with full ammunition), it provides a painful reminder that there is a shocking lack of female "bad ass" roles out there. Is there not even one women in Hollywood who's Expendable worthy? As a woman, a martial artist and an HR professional, I find this a glaring oversight-particularly in 2010.
Stay tuned for the second ten next post. In the meantime, have fun as you live, work, eat, play.
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